
新たなUFO目撃報告 350件超える 米政府入手

UFO US gov

US Navy


新たなUFO目撃報告 350件超える 米政府入手












【Video】US government has received more than 350 new UFO reports CNN

→  CNN

The US government has received over 350 new reports of what the US government terms “unidentified aerial phenomenon,” commonly known as UFOs, since March of 2021 – roughly half of which are so far unexplained, according to a report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released on Thursday.

According to the report, the Pentagon office responsible for tracking and studying the sightings has preliminarily identified 163 of the reports as “balloon or balloon-entities.” A handful of other reports have been attributed to drones, birds, weather events or airborne debris like plastic bags.

But “initial characterization does not mean positively resolved or unidentified,” the report cautioned. And the remaining 171 reported sightings of UAPs or UFOs continue to be unexplained by the US government.

“Some of these uncharacterized UAP appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities and require further analysis,” the report found.

In short, the intelligence community and the Pentagon still appear to have no explanation for at least some of a series of mysterious flying objects that have been seen moving through restricted military airspace over the last several decades. The majority of the new reports came from US Navy and Air Force pilots and operators “who witnessed UAP during the course of their operational duties and reported the events,” according to the report.

Although the report warned that UAP “pose a safety of flight and collision hazard to air assets” that could require pilots to “adjust flight patterns,” the report stated that there have been no reported collisions between U

The Defense Department, under pressure from Congress to investigate so-called UFO or UAP sightings, has actively encouraged pilots and other personnel to report unexplained sightings. The intelligence community released its first report on the matter in 2021.

That report examined 144 reports of UAPs, only one of which investigators were able to explain by the end of the study. Investigators found no evidence that the sightings represented either extraterrestrial life or a major technological advancement by a foreign adversary like Russia or China, but acknowledge that is a possible explanation.

Congress in its year-end defense spending bill then required the Pentagon and the intelligence community to study and report on the matter.

The Thursday report showed a dramatic increase in reported incidents since the 2021 report was issued, an increase that investigators attribute in part to “a better understanding of the possible threats that UAP may represent, either as safety of flight hazards or as potential adversary collection platforms” and in part due to “reduced stigma surrounding UAP reporting.”

Although some of the 366 newly identified reports cover incidents that occurred in the 17 years prior to March of 2021, 250 of the recorded sightings have taken place since that date.

The Thursday report acknowledged the ongoing possibility that the sightings may represent a foreign intelligence-collection platform, but investigators do not appear to have amassed any evidence to support that conclusion.

“UAP events continue to occur in restricted or sensitive airspace, highlighting possible concerns for safety of flight or adversary collection activity,” the report said. “We continue to assess that this may result from a collection bias due to the number of active aircraft and sensors, combined with focused attention and guidance to report anomalies.”

The Pentagon and the intelligence community “will continue to investigate any evidence of possible foreign government involvement in UAP events,” the report said.

California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, the former House Intelligence Committee chair, welcomed the release of the report.

“I appreciate the effort undertaken by the ODNI to study and characterize unidentified aerial phenomena reports, and their commitment to ensuring transparency by releasing an unclassified summary to the American public. … Unidentified aerial phenomena remain a national security matter, and I will continue to support thorough investigations of all UAP reports and oversight by the Congress.”

By Katie Bo Lillis and Kristin Fisher, CNN
Updated 5:48 PM EST, Thu January 12, 2023



UFO目撃情報、多くはドローンや気球など 米報告書 AFP

【1月13日 AFP】米国家情報長官室(DNI)は12日に年次報告書を公表し、「未確認飛行物体(UFO)」目撃情報の多くはドローンや気球と判明したが、依然数百件が未解明のままだと明らかにした。




報告書によると、未解明な報告の多くは、気象現象、センサーの不具合、分析の誤りの可能性がある。(c)AFP 202301131340JST



米軍によるUFO目撃情報 500件超に増加=米政府報告書








それによると、「未確認飛行現象(unidentified aerial phenomena、UAP)」との遭遇は引き続き「制限空域や慎重を要する空域で発生」しており、国家安全保障と「安全についての懸念材料となる可能性がある」としている。













NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND(An image of a UAP, seen through night vision goggles, shown to US lawmakers)



UFO reports by US troops skyrocket to over 500|BBC

A new de-classified US government report on UFO sightings by US troops has revealed hundreds of new cases.

The US National Intelligence office is now aware of 510 reported sightings, an increase over the 144 compiled in the spy agency’s first 2021 assessment.

Nearly half of the new sightings were deemed “unremarkable” and attributed to human origins, according to the report.

However, more than 100 of the encounters remain unexplained.

The report says that encounters with UFOs – which the government calls Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) – continue “to occur in restricted or sensitive airspace, highlighting possible concerns for safety” and national security.

Of the 366 new reports, 26 were determined to be drones, 163 were balloons and six aerial objects were attributed to clutter.

The report was issued in part to help “destigmatise” experiences with UFOs and improve air safety.

UFOs: ‘These objects show physics we don’t understand’
And it says increased reports of encounters are indeed the result of “a concentrated effort to destigmatise the topic of UAP and instead recognise the potential risks that it poses as both a safety of flight hazard and potential adversarial activity”, the report states.

It goes on to say that 171 sightings still remain “uncharacterised and unattributed” – meaning, not enough information was collected to effectively identify them.

“Some of these uncharacterised UAP appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis,” the report says.

None of the reports have been linked to any extra-terrestrial activity.

The reports are being examined by the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), an office in the Pentagon created last year to review UAP incidents.

The AARO will focus on receiving and analysing incidents with unidentified phenomena and work with intelligence agencies to further assess those incidents, according to the new declassified document.

Last month, the Pentagon’s Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security told media: “We have not seen anything that would lead us to believe that any of the objects that we have seen are of alien origin.”

“I have not seen anything in those holdings to date that would suggest that there has been an alien visitation, an alien crash, or anything like that,” added Ronald Moultrie.

But the effort continues to identify whether the remaining UFOs have earthly origins.

“In the absence of being able to resolve what something is, we assume that it may be hostile,” he said. “And so, we have to take that seriously.”




(CNN) 米航空宇宙局(NASA)が未確認飛行物体(UFO)の謎に踏み込む目的で発足させた科学者や専門家など16人のチームが24日、独立した立場からの研究活動を開始した。









cf:【Video】NASA launches study on ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ CNN

NASA launches study on 'unidentified aerial phenomena'

